What Do You Do With The Darkness?
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The Crosses |
Life is hard. If you're here, you probably already know that. You've experienced a devasting loss, diagnosis, or trauma. It's inevitable. I wish it wasn't, but friend, this isn't Heaven. We live in a broken world and it seems like the trouble is getting worse, the darkness darker, and the hope that we so desperately cling to - well it can seem like you're hanging by that last nail. Are you waiting for rescue? Help? Yeah, me too. Today seems especially dark. I've heard a lot of hard news lately and it wears on your soul.
I can feel like the darkness is winning. But Jesus.
I wish I could tell you that it'll get easier. That the darkness will subside and all your days will be sunny and bright. I so wish that for you. But for those of us with a few years on us, we know that people die, wars are fought, tragedy strikes and conflict and strife abound. Jesus said, "In this world, we will have trouble, but I have overcome the world."
You see, I fight the darkness. Today is dark - but I know that I am not alone. I know that He is with me. His strength is enough for me. My future is secure in him. He's never going to let me go. And with that last nail, I cling to him. Without that faith, I'm pretty sure I would have fallen. But I see the big picture, I understand the story, I see the plan. I have a front-row seat and am watching it unfold. It's not a big mystery to our Heavenly Father. He has set it all in motion. The ending is glorious.
Jesus came so that we would have life - eternal life. Our time on Earth is fleeting, and while it can be beautiful and filled with love and amazing days - it can also be difficult, depressing, and short. We don't know what tomorrow brings - unexpected losses, dysfunction, a terminal diagnosis, financial failure . . . the list is endless. But this is not my home, and if you trust in Jesus, it's not your home either.
He went ahead and he made a place for us. A place for us to be with him, in his house, where
Our fear will not follow.
Our trauma will not follow.
Our tears will not follow.
All will be as it should be. Perfect. As it was intended in the beginning. From the Garden of Eden to the Book of Revelation - this plan has been perfectly laid out by our Father in Heaven.
Over the generations, people have thought we were nearing the end of the plan, and soon he would come back and bring us home. They thought it was so bad it couldn't get any worse . . .but I think we can see that it did. It does. It is. Things aren't looking so great around the world. Signs are in place. Israel is a nation. He could come very soon or we could wait like the generations before us for that day in expectancy, but not in our lifetime. Personally, I think the end is nearer than ever before, but I'm not sure if I'll take the "group" rapture or the personal one. Either will be fine.
I know where the plan ends up - in Victory and Heavenly places. What I don't know is where my life ends and when. I'm not suppose to know. It isn't all going to turn out the way we want. What I do know is that my days are numbered by Him and that number of days will fit into his plan perfectly.
Do I wish John was still here and he would outlive us? Of course. But I also know that the plan included eternity and that John is delighting in Heavenly Places. I know that Jesus wept with me, and I understand that he and the Father never intended for us to suffer so. They didn't want me to suffer. That's why he came in human form and took our place once and for all. He won the victory over the darkness with his death on the cross - so that one day, when His Father says NOW, the entire world and spiritual realm will see the victory unfolding in the clouds. What a glorious day that will be.
His plan was messed up by the free will he gave to his creation. But he wasn't surprised. Both the angels and the humans. One-third of the angels fell into darkness and in turn, Satan deceived Eve. Our world was broken. The curse fell upon mankind. In my version, the death of Jesus would have set perfection in motion immediately - we would have left with him, but thankfully our Heavenly Father's plan is not my plan. He wants everyone to join in - so He made it incredibly easy to get onboard. "Jesus, please forgive me from my sins and come into my heart. Be the Lord and Savior of my life. I believe in you, I believe you died for my sins." Welcome home. He has given us time to accept Him, don't miss it!
So what do we do with the darkness? Well, I pray. Or maybe I sit on the couch and feel paralyzed, if I'm being honest. But eventually, I tell Jesus what's bothering me, what is making me so sad, or happy, and I ask him to bless my loved ones, to give strength to my friends, to wrap the hurting in his arms, and give them peace. I tell him I don't understand this life, but I trust Him. That I know He has the victory even if the day seems dark. I thank him. I give him praise and glory, for He alone is worthy. I turn on praise and worship music. I'm currently listening to Worship 24/7 - and I have heard old songs and new - Songs that speak to my heart and soul and remind me of whose I am. And sometimes, albeit not very often these days, I write - I encourage you to do so as well.
I focus on the hope of eternal life and the day when all the tears will be wiped away, and in the meantime, I look for what He is doing here and now, and I try to listen for what he wants me to do. He isn't through with us, he has appointments set that he hopes we don't miss. That smile, the hello, the words of encouragement - the explanation of your hope . . . the hug, the note, the text, the call. It all matters. It may seem insignificant, but even the smallest gesture of kindness to a hurting heart can make all the difference.
I encourage you to reach out to Him today. Start that ongoing conversation. If the darkness has a hold on you, talk to your doctor, a friend. Don't listen to the lies - you are worthy, valued, loved and adored by your Father in Heaven. He is with us in the fire - He holds us and shields us with his mighty hand. You are not alone.