Hi and Welcome! I've always been fascinated with the word Portal. It's come up several times throughout my life and I'm sure God has a purpose for it . . .but until that day, I'm just going to enjoy the word. So, I'm trying out this blogging thing. My friend Ronna thinks it will be a good creative outlet for me, so I thought, why not. I'm a wordy, I love words, I love books, I love paper, I love writing, I love all of it. So, until I'm ready to write that novel, let's try a blog. I mean, seriously, who doesn't have one already! So, I thought I would share some practicality with you today through this "portal". Some valuable information. Hopefully, some helpful information. Lately, a good portion of my study and reading has been on the same topic, whether I've chosen it, or it's been chosen for me, and that is our thoughts and thought life, or rather my thought life. Your thought life is your business,...