
A Bitter Day

A bitter day in November
it’s a haze
but I remember
gathering on that cold gray day
to say goodbye 
in pomp display

The flag was draped 
across your box
we heard the Taps
we heard the shots
then they folded
up your flag
saluted us and
said your name

They thanked us for 
your service son
and finally
when they were done
gave it your soldier friend
who knelt down 
on one knee
and with those words
presented me
the country’s thanks
and sympathy

Another soldier lost his life
A different war
a different fight
an enemy got in your head
and wouldn’t leave
til you were dead

So dark and gray
that cold day
honoring you 
in that way
so raw
so real
so sadly true
so unbearable 
losing you

And then we all
just walked away
and left you there
on that cold day
Alone, unmarked 
like no one cared…..
except my heart…
it broke in two
and half of it stayed 
there with you

For SPC John Ryan Schlegel
1.25.93 – 11.4.17
Victim of the War on opioids


I’ll never lay my head 
against your chest
hugging you hello, 
or just because 
Or feel your whiskers 
on my cheek
when I lean in 
to kiss you goodnight. 
I won’t communicate 
by a look 
through our eyes, 
yours, gray/green 
changing color 
with your shirt. 
You won’t lean against 
my shoulder 
or gently push the small 
of my back 
ushering me in or out. 
I won’t see your eyes twinkle 
or your smile . . . 
captivating and capturing 
my heart 
all those short years ago. 
I won’t see the expression 
in your eyes 
telling me if your happy
or sad, 
doing okay 
or not. 
I’ll miss your warmth. 
Your presence. 
The way you occupied 
the space next to me. 
I meditate on the song, 
my song for you, 
saying . . . 
“Earth has no sorrow 
that Heaven can’t heal”. 
But Earth is now and 
Heaven is beyond a veil, 
and I can’t see you. 
I’m afraid. 
I don’t want to forget. 
Any of it. 
Any of you. 
Not your smell, 
your laugh, 
your face. 
I’m afraid of you . . . Time. 
You’re a thief. 
Do you heal? 
Or do you steal? 
Steal my memories, 
my senses, my dreams. 
I don’t want to lose a single one. 
But I’m called to wait. 
until that day, 
to see you again. 
To feel you again. 
And so I do, 
I wait. 
Not peacefully. 
Not patiently. 
Not yet. . . 
But longingly, 
And not without hope. 
I wait for you 
For you. 
Not until you come home, 
but until I do. 

For John Ryan
1/25/93 - 11/4/17


I look at your picture
my heart contracts
I stop breathing
tears flow
take a breath
take a breath
realization floods
my mind
once again
and I know
that you are gone
this is my truth
don’t tell me it gets better
that’s a lie

I've Built a Wall

Keep on working
Don’t slow down
Keep on building
Best show around
Brick by brick
One wall at a time
All squared up
I’ve shut you deep inside 
Stop all that knocking
I cannot let you in
I’ve built a wall around my heart
I’ve built a wall to keep you in 
We cannot let them find us
We cannot let them in
They talk, they look
They say too much
They make my walls grow thin 
I’ve built a wall to protect you

A wall to hide you from within

For John Ryan

I feel invisible

I walk through life unseen
a shadow
I used to walk in daylight
In the flow
In the crowd
But now . . . 
Now I am alone
Grief has overshadowed me
made me unseen
pushed me down
a different path
a lonely path
one that people
fear to tread
If even for a moment
For you see
this shadow
it is the thing
 of nightmares
A monster
and to see me
is to see the death
of a child
so the crowd slips by
in meditated 



I wish I could say
I can’t imagine
How it felt
To lose you

I wish I could say
Life goes on
After it didn’t
And you were gone

I wish I could say
God needed you more
But He doesn’t
He is strong
And I 
am not

I wish I could say 
It wasn’t unbearable
But it is
And totally

I wish I could say
The tears had stopped
But they won’t
They can’t
How could they

I wish I could say 
Everything happens for 
A reason 
But what reason
Could that possibly be?

What I can say is
God is faithful
He understands
The world is broken
Heaven is not

With His help
I can endure it
And I can say 
you will too…together 

