Life is Hard

A few years ago we did a Bible Study called "When Life is Hard" by James MacDonald. Sometimes, we are being prepared in advance for a season that we will be going through in the future. And, at other times, we are neck deep in a hard season and God provides a study, a book, a sermon, or a wise friend, that meets us right where we are at, and it's exactly what we need to help us get through it. If you are going through a hard season in your life, I would highly recommend the book by the same name, "When Life is Hard", by James MacDonald. A couple of other choices are, "You'll Get Through This", by Max Lucado, and "What To Do On The Worst Day of Your Life" by Brian Zahnd.📚 I went through a difficult season a few years back, and wondered "How on earth will we get through this?" My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time on the day of my daughter's graduation party. The doctor had assured us that he didn...