Guest Blog by Kaitlin: Ever Wonder What It's Like Being In The Dead Kid's House?

Today's blog is brought to you by our daughter, Kaitlin. She wrote it at 2 a.m. Y ou might want to grab a tissue. Ever wonder what it’s like being in a dead kid’s house? I do. It’s empty. There’s an empty seat at the table. There’s an unused bedroom. There’s an empty spot on the couch. There are uneaten snacks in the cupboards. There’s less laundry to do. Everywhere you look, something has been affected by the dead kid’s absence. Usually, there are lots of pictures of the dead kid. Reminders of the memories that were made. The sad thing is that during those times, you have no idea you’re making “memories.” You simply feel that you’re living your daily life in an ordinary way. Then one day, the kid dies and you realize that those ordinary days become some of the most precious times you can hold on to. You frantically search for videos so you can remember the dead kid’s voice because...