Why I UnFriended You

. Yeah, I know. It does seem a little final. But here's the thing, we don't even know each other. We are not friends. In fact, I didn't recognize your name or your face, and while I usually adhere to strict rules about not adding strangers to my "friend list", I have been making a few exceptions thinking you might have a child who is struggling with addiction, or maybe you stumbled on this blog and were curious. Whatever the reason was, it didn't take too long for me to see that you clearly don't have a child that has an addiction, or you wouldn't have posted that meme or quote or whatever that stupid bullcrap was. In fact, when I saw it, I thought who on earth is so insensitive? Did you know anything about me about or about our loss when you hit "send a friend request?" Or did my name simply show up and you saw that we had a few friends in common? One of the reasons I started a Facebook page for my blo...