What Are You Pondering In Your Heart?

I am on a launch team for a new Bible study coming out. It's called Unexplainable Jesus by Erica Wiggenhorn. It's a neat opportunity if you ever get a chance to do it. We were able to receive the book ahead of time and be a part of an online Facebook Group where we work through the Bible study together, have a launch party, and help Erica promote it. Starting June 11, we can also participate in the online study with a group of women from all over the world. I'm only on week three, but I am loving it. I've learned so much already. In week two, of Unexplainable Jesus, which is a study of the gospel of Luke, I was literally captivated by a word that Erica brought to our attention. Anyone who knows me knows I love words, so for me to be this excited over one, it must be good! I love how Erica explains the history, culture, and passages in a way that's easy to understand. The word is Syntēréō. { I ma...