Rainbows, Unicorns, and Butterflies - J/K

My mother-in-law once told me her 50's were her favorite. I should have had a clue when on the morning of my 50th birthday, my previous German Shepherd, Sarge, had the worst case of diarrhea I'd ever seen. In the house! With people coming over for a meal. I'm sure glad we can't see the future. It's not always bright. I won't say my fifties have been my least favorite, because of my grandkids, but they have been the hardest and most painful years of my life. Six years later, and we've lost our son John to the opioid epidemic, my Dad and I, along with my mother-in-law all hang out at the cancer center, and it definitely has not been butterflies, unicorns, and rainbows. I have a standing joke with a friend - I type in "uni" on my phone and this comes up: 🦋🦄🌈. It reminds me that while life is not all butterflies, unicorns, and rainbows, people prefer it when it is. We have a natural human instinct to look for the good, to try an...