Dear John, It's Year 4 . . .Gold Stars and the DoD

Dear John, Year 4. November 4. I miss you. That part doesn't change with days or months or years. It's still a horrific hole in my heart. I want to preface this post by saying these are my thoughts, what's been on my mind. I'm not looking to argue or debate, I'm just sharing how I feel . . . The thoughts in my head have finally gotten to the place where they are keeping me up at night, and I miss sleeping. If I've been good at anything, it's sleeping. So this morning, I'm up before the sun to get these words out of my head, at least for a while. I always go back and read the "anniversary" posts so I remember what those years looked like. Year One: Devastation. Court. Utter sadness and disbelief. Trying to understand and learn about addiction - Substance Use Disorder. I shared your story hoping to educate others. Well, the war on opioids is still raging, and it's worse. CoVid had not helped. The isolation has not helped. The dr...