How Are You Doing Kristin? How Are You REALLY doing?

Crappy. [edited] Is that what you wanted to hear? This is the worst possible thing that I can think of living through, and yet here we are. Teetering between reality and a dream. So if you don't want to know how I'm really doing, stop reading now, or ask the Minnesota nice question, "Hey, how are you", and I'll say "Good, you?" and we can both get on with our day. Please, don't continue asking me (true story), because, you will end up with a sobbing pile of goo, and I don't really think that's what you want. Do you? If you do, then invite yourself over, bring a Venti Cinnamon Dolce from Starbucks, and maybe some Special K Bars, and we can discuss my deepest darkest feelings. You're still going to get a sobbing pile of goo, but I won't be out in public, and I'll get a coffee:). I'm afraid it's going to be the answer for a very long time. We are all going to have good moments and bad moments. Good hour...