The Pillow - Grief, Marriage & Hysteria

Nope, just a stock photo, not John's room. On the day we lost our son, mere hours after, the pastor pulled us aside for a few moments and shared with us that this type of loss can destroy a marriage. I think he may have even given us the divorce statistics. I don't remember. I think he prayed with us. I don't remember. I do remember thinking, great, devasting loss and a now a huge chance of a failed marriage besides. I will admit to wondering about the timing, but I thank him for explaining it to us right away - because as the days went on, we definitely saw how grief can wipe clean everything in its path and leave the survivors hanging by a thread. And while most of that day and the days after are a fog, his words stuck. It was a kindness. After 16 months, Brian and I still handle the loss very differently. We need to respect each other's journey and have a lot of grace for each other. We aren't typically the couple that argues or...