John's Friends/No Coincidences/That's Love❤️
John, I have to take a moment to brag on your friends. I got a message from your friend JJ, and it was honestly the best. It made me stop and take a look back at this week, literally one week in time - and I saw an amazing thing. It was your friends, John. They just keep showing up in different ways, thoughtful ways, incredibly kind ways. And while I'm sitting here reflecting on it all, thanking God for it all, possibly working through an entire box of tissues over it all, I decided this is well worth writing about.
I know you are not surprised by me telling you how great your friends are. You knew. You talked about them all the time. You missed them so much when you weren't with them.
They've included us in exciting news - T&A are expecting!!! I know that was a tough thing for you, being so far away when they were struggling with losing the twins. You wanted so much happiness for them. You were the babies Godfather . . .❤️
And J&K invited us to their gender reveal. Isn't that sweet? He was like a brother to you. You were his best man. He has always treated us like family. They include us. So, guess what - it's a boy! 💙 Your sister will give you a nephew in August, and your "brother from another mother" will add another baby boy in September. You would be so delighted for them. Yes, I'll try to get camo gifts for them. (No, I'm not buying guns for babies!)
KC Venmo'd me a coffee the other morning because I came to mind and she wanted me to know she was thinking about me. About you. I headed straight to Starbucks.😏 She's also been coming alongside your sister, which is something you would love. Kate has had so much heaped on her, and she's missing you so much. You loved just calling her "sister". It started out as a joke and it stuck She hates that you aren't here to teach your niece and soon to be nephew all those things you promised. By the way, sister got a sister tattoo in your handwriting. I'm pretty sure you'd love that. You loved KC's tattoos as well and you always thought she was pretty awesome.
AH was going to be in town and asked if she could come to visit. She gave me a Mother's Day card with some photos of you she found on her phone. She took the time to have them printed and spent a few hours here with us. It's so great to be able to talk about you. She's a sweet girl. Dad told her to hold out for the whole package. You can just hear him, can't you? She said it sounded just like her dad. I think they'd like each other.
Your buddies from the 1-24 quickly answer any questions I have and share stories with me about your time together in the Army. I love that. I can't tell you how many found me on FB and reached out. I hope they keep sending stories as they come to mind, or photos when they turn up. I've enjoyed keeping up with them, it makes me feel close to you. I found a picture on your phone from JRTC at Fort Polk and they let me know what was going on in it. I still tear up every time I think of them coming here to say goodbye, to carry your casket and gather around us. That's what it's all about in life, right? They are great guys.
SP is always checking in - even when she's up to her eyeballs in stuff. They bought a house. It's so nice - you probably would have driven up last week to help her move. Her Grandpa hasn't been doing too well and as she's traveling back and forth to be at his side, but she's still checking in to see how we are doing. Amidst all of that. You said she was always there for you, no matter what. And she was. She gave Dad some book ideas. He is currently reading one and it's his favorite book yet. They are talking about what he's learning. He's been sharing a lot of book ideas with people. His faith has grown incredibly since you've been gone. He's really found some peace with reading about Heaven and end times. He loves to discuss it with anyone who will listen. He's become quite the texter! You'd be proud.
MK is continually in touch. You pushed her to reach her goals and she's got a great job now. She misses you though. So much. We like to talk about you. Dad and her and always deep in conversation about how they are handling it all. We miss having her here. She fit right in, didn't she? We will forever have a bond. Being with her makes us feel like we are with you. She stuck by you through everything - and I know loyalty was so important to you. She's so funny - you loved that. You never wanted anyone hiding in your shadow. You always pushed your friends to stand on their own, you'd have their back always, but you wanted them to get out there and be their best self. Remember your advice to her? Do what you're doing, only better. We won't forget that.
And, JJ . . John, he was your guy. You loved him and he loved you. You guys spent a lot of time together in Alaska. He has spent hours telling me stories, answering questions, including us in his life. He's back in school, along with AG, and JY, and JJ is doing so well. He's smart. He also says he learned a lot of life lessons from you. That would surprise you. You thought he was just the coolest guy - you talked about him a lot. You weren't sure he liked you at first and when you become buddies, you were happy. You wanted everyone to like you. It wasn't hard, you were easy to like. He said he learned to be bold from being around you. He learned that people weren't so hard to approach after all. He said you always had a calm demeanor and the ability to talk to anyone. He thinks about you when he goes for an interview, or when he has a challenge ahead of him, or when something is hard.
So, this whole blog post started with a message from him today. He messaged because he just finished a marathon and he was in the top ten percent, and he wanted to share that with me. Yes, I'm bawling. He thought of you as he crossed the finish line. The fact that he includes us in his life from all those miles away, that he continues to think about you, honor you, check in with your parents and make sure they are doing alright. It's crazy unbelievable and sweet. I think he's a displaced friend reaching out to a displaced mom - and it works. Is he too old to adopt? 😏
So, this whole blog post started with a message from him today. He messaged because he just finished a marathon and he was in the top ten percent, and he wanted to share that with me. Yes, I'm bawling. He thought of you as he crossed the finish line. The fact that he includes us in his life from all those miles away, that he continues to think about you, honor you, check in with your parents and make sure they are doing alright. It's crazy unbelievable and sweet. I think he's a displaced friend reaching out to a displaced mom - and it works. Is he too old to adopt? 😏
Friends were everything to you. They tell us again and again how much you talked about home. Your family. How you loved living in the country and how you wanted them all to visit. JJ talks about the land you guys were going to buy together, and how you'd raise your kids together. And you know what? I think Heaven is going to be all about relationships and friends. Jesus loved his friends, and if those relationships mean that much here, imagine how they will be celebrated there. Maybe you're getting that hunting shack ready as we speak.
Your friends were all touched by your faith in God, your strong beliefs and the way you put that first in life. You talked to them a lot about believing. I pray each and everyone that you touched will also accept Jesus, and one day in the not so distant future, we will all be hanging out in your house in Heaven, and we will be sharing stories. Just like you loved. Everyone together, talking, eating and telling stories. You've probably got us beat in that department. I'm sure what you are experiencing cannot compare to our life here! I'm not sure if my heart is bursting or breaking - but it's shown me what a blessing the people in your life were. How much you meant to them, and how much that in turn, means to me.
This is just the last week John. This is about you. They are here for us because you were there for them. I could tell you many more stories about the people that loved you - about the kindness, but this week, this last seven days or so has truly opened my eyes. An incredible life-giving snapshot into the legacy you left. I hope you can see what an impact you had on these friends in the short time you were here. And I know it would make you smile to see how they are loving us, in your place.
P.S. As I'm proofing this one last time, I get a message from MP. Your buddy E dressed their son today - and they sent me a photo. He said the grey beanie reminded him of you and they wanted to share it with me. They also sent along hugs and kisses and M said she hoped it made our day. It so did. Honestly, I was just telling AH that with God, there are no coincidences.
This is just the last week John. This is about you. They are here for us because you were there for them. I could tell you many more stories about the people that loved you - about the kindness, but this week, this last seven days or so has truly opened my eyes. An incredible life-giving snapshot into the legacy you left. I hope you can see what an impact you had on these friends in the short time you were here. And I know it would make you smile to see how they are loving us, in your place.
P.S. As I'm proofing this one last time, I get a message from MP. Your buddy E dressed their son today - and they sent me a photo. He said the grey beanie reminded him of you and they wanted to share it with me. They also sent along hugs and kisses and M said she hoped it made our day. It so did. Honestly, I was just telling AH that with God, there are no coincidences.