To the Grieving Mother: You Did Everything You Could
An article I wrote for Her View From Home
To the Grieving Mother: You Did Everything You Could
Dear Mama – I understand how hard this is for you, as much as one bereaved mother can relate to another. I know your walls are up and your heart is broken. You’re doing your best to get through each day when you’d really just like to just lay down on their grave or crawl into the casket and die too. The pain is unbelievable, unbearable, beyond description. This type of loss is a little different. You’ve lost a child, but you’ve lost him or her to a darkness that’s spreading across our land at an alarming rate. It’s consuming our children. It’s a war. An epidemic. A plague. You’re living part of a horrible history in our country and frankly, you cannot believe this is your life. You’ve asked why a thousand times. You’ve gone over every detail trying to figure out if you could have done something differently.
To read the rest of the article, click here: To The Grieving Mother, You Did Everything You Could