Why Do We Say What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger?

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! What does that even mean? Quora says that the phrase or cliché “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, was originally penned by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, in his book Twilight and Arrows, and it was used as a motto for Hitler’s Nazi youth camps . He wrote a similar line in a later book entitled Ecce Homo, just before he went completely insane. Umm, that's not a motto I want to adopt. Furthermore . . . In our case, John's trauma did kill him. His pain did not make him stronger. In fact, it was more than he could bear and it led, eventually, to his accidental overdose. So I guess he wasn't strong enough , huh? And now, his trauma has become our trauma. His pain will forever be our pain. His death has become our instant replay. His death is what we try to keep held tightly behind our walls. His...