Do You Want To Read My Journal?

I am a lover of paper. Of words. Of journals. I have so many journals . . .all colors and sizes, and it's been my modus operandi to write for a few days and then stop. I think as much as I like to document my thoughts and feelings, what would always happen is, I would end up just blathering on about my feelings, venting, or writing about trivial things when I thought the words should be rich and deep. Well, let me encourage you to write, write anything and everything because one day those words will be important. So important. I found a journal that I bought in early 2017, with a gift card to Barnes and Noble. It seemed a bit extravagant, it has a buttery soft leather cover, it's covered in words, and has thick quality paper. It reminds me of something old and worldly. I didn't want to ruin it by writing once or twice and leaving it in the pile, so I decided to fill it with things I learned, quotes I liked, prayers and res...