What Triggers Your Grief?

Triggers in grief become a part of your "new normal", as if there is anything normal, now, about living without your child. Triggers are going to happen, and we expect them...for the most part. Some of them make sense, some of them do not. Some can take moments to recover from, some can take hours. I had a scare with my dog this week. I won't go into the details, but for a minute, I thought she might be hurt. My adrenaline spiked and fear rose up inside me to a place I haven't visited for a while. When I had the situation under control, I sat down, and I sobbed. Uncontrollably. I could not stop. For hours. My stomach shook, tears fell. I could not get ahold of myself. I asked for prayer. Yes, I love my dog and wouldn't want anything terrible to happen to her. But it was John's loss that was triggered. She was with him when he died. She laid beside him. She was there when he took his last breath. He wasn't alone because...