A Room With A View
A Room With A View . . . My corner for the morning - a warm blanket and peanut butter & jelly toast . . .I'm all set Yeah. Being facetious. I can see some treetops! The cancer center is BUSY! Everyone is getting their after Christmas dose of life-saving poison and the nurses are trying to keep up. I thought I’d bring you with me today, dear reader, (⬅️ Morgan 😂) and show you what a day in the life of this grieving, and now, cancer patient, looks like. My appointment was at 8. 8:30 . . .I had my port accessed and headed back to the waiting room. I saw the Doc about – 9:30. He listened to my heart, squeezed my ankles, and asked how it went on Round One. I told him it went really great. Then I shared my genetic results with him. I'm BRCA 1 Positive - so this is definitely inherited and genetic. His reaction was a little shocked, and he confirmed what Mayo said about another surgery. So, after chemo is all ...